The Power of Prayer

We believe prayer can be and should be a normal, central part of our lives. Prayer is learning to have a conversation. It’s our primary means of communication with God. Prayer can be woven into the daily life of each person who follows Jesus—not reserved just for the big, scary moments of life. A life of prayer will transform you.

24/7 Prayer

Several times each year, we intentionally make time to pray together at CrossPoint. Our 24/7 prayer experience is an opportunity to pursue the presence of God as a church family through 168 hours of continuous prayer.

Prayer isn’t supposed to be some add-on; rather, our lives are to be characterized by prayer. As followers of Jesus, we’re supposed to be known by our lifestyles of prayer.

Read Our Stories

After each 24/7 prayer experience, we invite people to tell us what God has done in their lives or how the time of prayer has impacted them. Discover how God is transforming people through prayer.