Freedom Prayer

Experience freedom

Freedom Prayer is a ministry of prayer to help individuals overcome strongholds or obstacles in their life. We have trained teams of people who minister to individuals seeking relief, healing, or greater freedom from the enemy’s schemes. Our ministry is committed to allowing the Holy Spirit to identify and to address areas hindering a deeper personal relationship with God—including inner hurts, wounds, and strongholds.

Prayer opens the door to freedom in our lives, and we can pray with the authority given to us by God through Jesus Christ.  When we pray in unity and agreement our prayers are even more powerful. 

What to expect

A prayer session consists of three parts: We ask God how he sees the person at this time, we ask God how the enemy may be coming agains this person, and we ask God to give our team words of blessing for this person—and then we pray these words over the person.

It’s all designed to seek God’s leading in helping you experience the kind of freedom he promises.

Freedom Prayer team members have all completed a class and have received additional training. They also have walked through a prayer session themselves, so they are equipped to minister to you.

Freedom Prayer uses a biblical framework to give the Holy Spirit room to address inner hurts and wounds, identify and break strongholds, and bring healing and freedom, all with the purpose of knowing God better

Common questions

What is Freedom Prayer?
Freedom Prayer is simply the name of a specific ministry at CrossPoint that seeks to help people experience freedom from barriers that may keep them from experiencing joy and peace in Christ.
Are there any requirements to receive prayer?
No specific qualifications are necessary, but for a person to gain freedom, he or she must be honest and desire to be free and be willing to submit to God’s Word. It is ideal if the person is a follower of Jesus, ready to deal with sin and repent, and if applicable, willing to be transparent and honest about the places that are hidden that he/she would not want anyone to know about.

The person must be willing to forgive others and let go of judgment. He or she must want freedom and not just relief. Being under clear church authority and accountable to members of the church is also helpful. Finally, one should expect God to lead the prayer time and be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, without false expectations or prejudicial notions of what should occur.
Are these prayer times confidential?
Everything that is said and done is held in the strictest of confidentiality. However, the information, as needed, may be shared with other leaders in the prayer team so as to help you continue in the freedom you have gained. With your permission, this may include future meetings with mentors in the church to set appropriate boundaries for your personal and spiritual growth. Furthermore, if there appears to be personal danger to you or to someone else that is discussed during the prayer time, the prayer team may be obliged to share information for your safety or the safety of others.
What follow-up happens after our prayer session?
It is our goal that everyone who receives prayer is in a discipleship relationship and walking in close community with the body of Christ. At CrossPoint, this ideally means that you are part of a CrossPoint Community and in close relationship with people that will continue to walk with you in growing freedom and accountability. While prayer sessions can be powerful times of personal ministry, new-found freedom will be difficult to maintain and grow if you are not walking in close Christian community. If you are not in close community with other Christian believers, it will be our goal to help you establish these relationships.
May I receive Freedom Prayer if I don’t attend CrossPoint?
Freedom Prayer is open to anyone, though our hope is that everyone that comes for Freedom Prayer will be a member of a community of people committed to trusting and fully following Jesus for the sake of their own spiritual health and growth.
May I sign up another person for Freedom Prayer?
If you know someone you believe needs prayer, please direct them to this website so they can explore what the process entails and sign up for a prayer time on their own. It is important that the person coming for prayer understands what he or she is signing up for and decided this is something he or she wants to participate in.