When We Gather on Sundays

During our on-campus gatherings at the CrossPoint building on Sundays, we’ve crafted several ways for you to engage during this time of COVID-19. We encourage you to practice safe habits each weekend. We’re excited each time we can gather together as the CrossPoint community, and we’re eager to see how we can continue fulfilling our mission of helping people trust and fully follow Jesus.

For more details on the recent shift back to Stage 3 in the Idaho recovery process, please visit the Governor of Idaho website. Churches are exempt from the renewed limit on the size of indoor gatherings, but we do need to follow health and safety guidelines for the benefit of our church family and our broader community. Please view that link (which includes the full statewide public health order) for more details, and please see our information below.

Online Community

What We’re Doing
• Livestreaming the 9:30 a.m. gathering for those who choose to remain at home to worship.
• Encouraging gathering in homes for those who are comfortable gathering as a family or small group but are not ready to come back to the campus yet.
• Encouraging worship through giving by using our online option on our website.

What You Can Do
• If you don’t feel well or have health concerns, don’t feel pressured to gather with others. Join us for the livestream at 9:30 a.m.
• Engage in the livestream gathering by talking about the message afterward.
• Give your tithe or offering through our online giving tool.
• Continue to pray for our mission to be a community helping people trust and fully follow Jesus to be accomplished and support our mission through giving.

On-Campus Gatherings

What We’re Doing
• Reduced seating capacity in the Worship Center to maintain appropriate distancing for worshipers.
• Providing a family-friendly space in the Fellowship Hall where people can watch the livestream around round tables during the 9:30 and 11 a.m. gatherings.
• Providing disposable masks at the Welcome Center for anyone wanting one.
• We provide hand-sanitizing stations throughout the building.
• All of the high-volume surface areas and high-touch objects are sanitized throughout the morning while the gatherings are being held.
• When we partake in communion, we will serve prepacked elements.
• The coffee, beverage, and food options are not available at this time.
• To worship through giving we have installed giving boxes in the Worship Center and around the building, and we are encouraging you to give through our online option.

What You Can Do
• If you don’t feel well or have health concerns, please stay home and gather with for the livestream at 9:30 a.m.
• Wear a mask while on our campus if you feel more comfortable with one. We will have masks available at our Welcome Center if you need one.
• Please wash your hands and use sanitizer often. Stations and bottles of sanitizer will be available around the building.
• Maintain the recommended distance between yourself and other on-campus worshipers.

Stay Connected to CrossPoint

We encourage you to remain connected and updated via social media:
Facebook  //  Instagram  //  Twitter

We encourage you to like, share, and respond to our online content — that will go a long way to helping other people know it’s there. Share our Facebook posts with your friends and family. Invite them to watch our services, read our posts, and pray alongside us. If you listen to a podcast, send it to a friend who needs to hear it, too. Spread this organically through your relationships with the people in your life. This will help CrossPoint continue building and cultivating community.

Please read our eConnect digital newsletters. If you don’t already receive those newsletters, simply send a quick email to info@crosspointlew.org, and we’ll add your name to the list. And regularly return to our website.