What is the biblical purpose and history of child dedications?
Child dedications are found throughout the Bible. One prominent dedication is found in 1 Samuel 1:27v28, where a godly woman named Hannah, who had experienced barrenness for many years, prayed year after year for God to give her a child. God answered her prayer and she had a son, whom she named Samuel. When Samuel was born, Hannah prayed: “For this boy I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord.”
In Luke 2, following the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph took the infant Jesus to the temple and dedicated him. In both Scripture passages, the parents entrusted and submitted their child completely to God.
Deuteronomy 6v5-9 describes God’s plan for how a parent should raise up a child: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.”
So, what’s the purpose for child dedication?
•Parents of young children are given an opportunity to recognize God’s gift of children to them. (Psalm 127v3)
•Parents can declare their intent to raise their children in an environment that puts following Jesus above all else. (Deuteronomy 6v5-7)
•It’s an invitation to parents to spiritually guide and educate their children, encouraging them to become disciples of Jesus. (Ephesians 6v4)
•It’s a challenge for parents to lay a foundation of learning about God and providing opportunities for growth, formation, and discipleship for their children. (Proverbs 22v6)
•It’s an invitation to family, friends, and the church family as a whole to support this family in prayer and other needs as they raise a child to know, love, and serve Jesus. (Matthew 19v13-15)
One key step in marking your desire to nurture your child in the ways of God is to dedicate him or her to God publicly, through a child dedication ceremony. It is a method of accountability and support by the community in discipling your child.
In Luke 2, following the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph took the infant Jesus to the temple and dedicated him. In both Scripture passages, the parents entrusted and submitted their child completely to God.
Deuteronomy 6v5-9 describes God’s plan for how a parent should raise up a child: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.”
So, what’s the purpose for child dedication?
•Parents of young children are given an opportunity to recognize God’s gift of children to them. (Psalm 127v3)
•Parents can declare their intent to raise their children in an environment that puts following Jesus above all else. (Deuteronomy 6v5-7)
•It’s an invitation to parents to spiritually guide and educate their children, encouraging them to become disciples of Jesus. (Ephesians 6v4)
•It’s a challenge for parents to lay a foundation of learning about God and providing opportunities for growth, formation, and discipleship for their children. (Proverbs 22v6)
•It’s an invitation to family, friends, and the church family as a whole to support this family in prayer and other needs as they raise a child to know, love, and serve Jesus. (Matthew 19v13-15)
One key step in marking your desire to nurture your child in the ways of God is to dedicate him or her to God publicly, through a child dedication ceremony. It is a method of accountability and support by the community in discipling your child.
Do I need to be a member of CrossPoint to have my child dedicated?
It’s okay if you haven’t yet gone through the membership class at CrossPoint before having your child dedicated at CrossPoint. We do encourage parents to make sure they are calling CrossPoint their home church. Why?
In dedicating your child to God, you are agreeing that you are willing to partner with God and the church to raise your child to become a disciple of Jesus. To partner with any church, a parent would be wise to decide if he or she agrees with its beliefs and vision, so they can be all-in in their partnership with the church. The church also serves as support to the family in which the child is being raised declaring their intentions to raise their child with the Gospel as the central part of their family and life.
In dedicating your child to God, you are agreeing that you are willing to partner with God and the church to raise your child to become a disciple of Jesus. To partner with any church, a parent would be wise to decide if he or she agrees with its beliefs and vision, so they can be all-in in their partnership with the church. The church also serves as support to the family in which the child is being raised declaring their intentions to raise their child with the Gospel as the central part of their family and life.
What can I expect during a child dedication ceremony?
During the dedication gathering, parents and families will be prayed over before God, their family, and the church, declaring their desire to raise their child in a God-honoring way. Because parents are role models for their children, they play a primary role in the dedication service.
At what age can a child be dedicated at CrossPoint?
While CrossPoint has not set age requirement for child dedication, the average age for a child to be dedicated is somewhere from birth to about 4 years old, although some parents choose to dedicate children much older than the average ages.
Can a single parent participate in a child’s dedication?
Yes! Child dedication signifies the commitment of parents—including single parents—to raise their child to be a follower of Jesus. Additionally, we highly encourage single parents to dedicate their child as they commit themselves to raise him or her without the presence or partnership of a spouse. The decision to dedicate a child is not dependent upon the beliefs of the ex-spouse; however, we encourage single parents to discuss child dedication with the child’s other parent. Ideally, both parents—even if not married—would still commit to the dedication of their child to God. We acknowledge that this is often not possible, and that it takes extra effort for a single parent to raise a child. As a church, CrossPoint is committed to supporting single parents in providing a Jesus-centered foundation for their child’s upbringing, partnering with the family to disciple the child.
Can parent(s) assign godparents?
Although the term “godparent” is not typically used at CrossPoint, we do welcome parents to invite close friends and family members committed to supporting them to stand with them during the dedication. The presence of these significant adults symbolizes their commitment to play a supportive role in the child’s spiritual development.