Our Vision & Beliefs

Who we are

CrossPoint is a community helping people trust and fully follow Jesus.

That declaration drives what we do, how we serve, and how we point people toward a deeper faith in Jesus.

Our beliefs

What we believe is important. It is part of what unites us despite the beauty of our differences. Our beliefs shape us so powerfully as a community.

CrossPoint is part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, a family of churches committed to introducing the love of Jesus to all nations.

“Go and make disciples of all nations.”
(Jesus, in Matthew 28v19)

Our values

We intentionally cultivate these values as we walk in the way of Jesus as a church:


We are a people who desire to encounter the presence of God, finding life through an abiding relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

We are a people who are open to and pursue the continued work of God to transform our lives so that we become like Jesus as he makes us into people of love


We are a people who engage in the mission God empowered by the Holy Spirit, to see the Gospel move forward in our city and our world by doing the things that Jesus did with the same motivations that Jesus had.

Vision keeps us focused and protects us from drifting. Vision pulls us toward God-sized goals, according to his will. Vision compels us to take faith-filled risks.

Discipleship priorities

Life as Prayer
We are a people who practice prayer as a lifestyle, both individually and corporately.
Guided by the Scriptures
We order our lives from the truth in God’s Word, teaching and building up the body of Christ with God-given wisdom.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit
God’s Spirit redeems, sanctifies, and heals the whole person empowering his people for effective gospel ministry in the world.
Relational Living

We are made for relationships and experience transformation through the context of community in the family God is building as we gather in formative environments and engage in spiritual practices and the sacraments of baptism and communion.
Sacrificial Generosity
Since God is the abundant owner of all things, we live as generous stewards to reflect the goodness of God.
Committed Service
We serve one another, our neighbors, and the nations because we see ourselves as Jesus saw himself, a servant of all.
Driven in Mission
With boldness and confidence through the power of the Holy Spirit, we join God’s work of renewal by living as witnesses of the gospel through love and acts of justice, sharing and demonstrating the saving grace of Jesus as we make disciples.
Intentional Multiplication
As we apprentice to Jesus, we make disciples who build the kingdom of God through developing and sending leaders throughout our church family and beyond while investing in future church multiplication in our region and in the nations.