Engage in Lent

Lent events

Wednesday mornings, 7-7:30 a.m. | February 28 to March 27.

• CrossPoint Alliance Prayer Room | 1330 Powers Ave., Lewiston
• Lewis Clark State College Activities Center | 500 8th Ave, Lewiston
• Life Choices Clinic Front Lobby | 1208 Idaho Street, Lewiston
• Public Utility District (P.U.D.) Front Lobby | 1500 Scenic Way, Clarkston
• State Farm Insurance Offices | 847 6th Street, Clarkston

Friday, March 29 | 6 + 7:15 p.m.

Saturday, March 30 | 5 p.m.
Sunday, March 31 | 8 + 9:30 + 11:15 a.m.

Lent is a 40-day season of reflection and preparation for Easter and the hope we have in Jesus. This season is a time for the church to focus on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, to turn from our brokenness and resistance toward God, and to trust more fully in Jesus.

Resources for Lent

These resources are designed to empower you to participate in our Lent emphases, with the goal of helping you as you trust and fully follow Jesus.

Lent is a beautiful reminder that Easter only happens because of the reality of Good Friday. We have hope of resurrection and the renewal of all things because of the crucifixion of Christ, culminating in his resurrection.

Fasting during Lent

Each Wednesday, we invite you to fast from food, along with the whole church. These weekly fasts can help us more deeply trust and follow Jesus. By stepping back from commotion, clutter, and noise, we hope to find greater room for the Holy Spirit to speak through Scripture. Instead of simply subtracting something from our lives, this is an opportunity to add something greater.